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- you a new Macintosh tip or
- you choose Empty Trash, you
- To find out the nearest
- off the Labels checkbox. Your
- • Turn off your extensions;
- That's supposed to make you
- but you can’t match. That is,
- onto your Launcher window to
- conversation: “I love
- stored in the System folder’s
- You can turn it off! Choose
- up to 128 font suitcases in
- highlight those words, and drag
- Pad, SimpleText, Scrapbook,
- on the same circuit as, say,
- Since both Macs have
- a PICT file; open it
- at startup: first, in the
- store your settings (icon
- set to “thousands of grays.”
- CD-ROM from floppies only
- FLASHING? Then your Alarm
- on the SCSI chain are
- for QuicKeys: make
- Just open the
- commands say Fill
- the window normally expands
- main dialog box. An extra
- later, you can turn the Mac
- gray one as a regular
- Just separate their names,
- or later. By Option-clicking
- Project 1
- The Mac II and IIx have two
- of humor. Turn on
- of those darned “Please
- does (in the Page Setup box)?
- happen by itself, you know.
- you use a commercial program’s
- graphics, font samples, and so
- as in “Go get ’em!” You have
- key when you’re looking
- dot-matrix printout, photocopy
- if you’ve put their
- you’ve got your options set,
- down the Command key as
- date field, press the + or -
- double-click it (version 5)
- to any command, choose it
- Delicious, and Macintosh. Jef
- type the letters normally first
- words from being broken over
- “text only” dialog box? Open
- non-PowerPC extensions. Use
- a secret, built-in editor!
- Just copy the original
- In the Header box, type
- can type GOD to jump into
- cutting off the juice to the
- of any window. You’ll get
- FileMaker: use the Find
- squiggle, etc.). First draw a
- Nisus word processor, you can
- use a proper printer’s slash
- snapshot of the screen?
- the keys across the top of
- a range (“pages 3–5”). And use
- program name from the
- into. With button down, press
- Turn the menu-flashing
- To do so, press Option as
- phone, get a Radio Shack
- just right for a Classic-sized
- You can use a printer or a
- disk? Then it’s time to
- different in each style
- but it makes your file bigger.
- add the Smart Quotes command
- LaserWriter Utility program
- your hard drive; no longer.
- • Backlighting
- disks. The solution: put
- appeared in 1984, had a list
- Back and forth between: The
- but it involves erasing the
- bug.) Turn it off to eject the
- “host fails to respond”? Keep
- some big file from America
- program. Copy it. Select an
- press a single key to “click”
- (System 7.5 or later), try
- Drag-and-Drop all kinds of neat
- couldn’t use more than 8 megs
- upside down in your hand. Turn
- the Macintosh XL, had
- Here’s a little-known
- at once! Wowee! Just
- icon. Or press Tab to jump to
- with “Macworld Macintosh
- window (where your macros
- Option while you choose About
- MACS FOR DUMMIES! It’s a funny,
- choose Preferences from the
- Disk command. Double-click the
- Puzzle: Open it, then copy the
- folder, open Conflict Catcher.
- Secret About box. But it’s
- clock to 9/20/89. Set the
- press Command-Shift-S. Type the
- back to a previous editing
- You can remove a file from that
- keeps asking for a disk back?
- press Command, Option, Shift,
- command (Tools menu). Some
- putting the Clipboard file
- before the “renaming rectangle”
- some programmers work! Jeff
- included with “Mac Secrets,”
- is called Sosumi? Because Apple
- program. If anything goes
- it should be 1/8th your Mac’s
- your file names at Geneva 9.
- them to open it into the
- clock. Instead, just open the
- Drag-and-Drop a picture
- unformatted Geneva type. But
- choose Copy. Now paste into
- its Open command to open the
- have bought a Performa 6200.
- Edit menu, to the left of
- Brightness (unless you have
- sounds back and forth
- their contents. You can
- press Command-Shift-3, or
- about three times faster...
- down System folder onto a RAM
- the word Computer. Apple
- thriller novel! (Check out
- the Application menu
- the PowerBook to leave on your
- for all your sounds; double-
- time, among other things. To
- the Trash, you don’t have to
- way to shut up those messages.
- in a window, press Option
- programs? Then your Desktop
- or folders... or is there?
- in the Finder, press Command-O
- windows overlapping, you can
- mode. Open your Labels control
- You can work around this if you
- some icon to open it. (But
- Apple Menu Items folder). Put
- is single-sided!
- Arrow to expand, or Command-
- you can press Command-Right
- window is active, and
- windows you may be buried in,
- Down Arrow to open a
- the program that created the
- Command-Y to return them
- desktop (no windows open),
- windows at once! Just
- files to another disk. While
- window, you can Command-click
- if you’ve used the Views
- and choose Clean Up All from
- Small Icon views according to
- the same document by pressing
- icon, if it’s not already,
- number in the upper-right
- to your folder. Then, whenever
- box) if you separate them with
- automatically follow another.
- “Application.” When the items
- they’ll open whenever you open
- with 31 of the infinity symbol
- “--------”. Replace its icon
- unless you press Option as
- files (System 7.5 and later),
- from your Apple menu much, make
- careful with it — it can really
- I eat my peas with honey;
- all the labels in the Labels
- click the Hard Disk pop-up
- pressing Command as
- loading. It also turns virtual
- folder (in the System folder).
- not on a network! Instead, just
- each morning? Just put the
- the little extension icons).
- Then open the Monitors control
- you want. You can use any
- up. But you can stop the Mac
- you’ve got a conflict of
- Go to your telecom program and
- (that makes the modem answer on
- on America Online. Send an
- paper, and one for thicker
- spits out the one in the
- group of icons. From the File
- unique option: switching your
- got mail!”? Then why not
- Option while double-clicking an
- Apply the Outline style to it
- use the View menu to change to
- fixative from an art supply
- Choose Commands from the Tools
- command, and give the new
- copied material if you first
- world. Also, you can paste in
- map. Opening it with Option
- will show you every
- Now use your program’s Print
- command. Then paste over the
- board, the lines sometimes
- graphics program. Choose Get
- File dialog box, press Command-
- File dialog box, press
- File dialog box, press
- see its zoom box (upper-right
- group it with a larger,
- Macintosh from the Apple menu.
- your entire drive. Then erase
- quotes” feature. Then use the
- Text.” A programmer’s name will
- document take up to twice as
- with File Sharing. Or maybe
- “Middle of Nowhere.” Then
- key as you click
- STARTUP MOVIE, and put it into
- or scan in Color It, included
- (2) Choose About The Finder
- even touching the mouse!
- a program whose window is
- source! Just drag any icon
- the Shift key. Or, for better
- copy of Color It that came
- Just press Option as you
- [Frequently Asked Questions]
- Command-M is the same as
- Send us a really cool new
- AOL folder, Online Browser fold
- what it is: 20 million
- weird line breaks, run them
- Plaintalk English Text-to-
- when you type, but don’t
- to re-install next time, you’ll
- key! It’s the same as the
- ... there is. It’s called
- pasting. (1) Highlight text;
- control panel. You probably
- outer window level? The
- use fonts, sizes, and colors
- Now, you must click the style
- than it was even two years
- much luck viewing graphics
- System folder temporarily.
- highlight the cell, choose
- Press your Interrupt button
- CD-ROM drive. Insert the
- of this most insightful phrase:
- WHAT!?!?
- programs! Solution: put aliases
- program. Choose Creator
- version will launch when you
- on your hard drive, it’s faster
- word processor (WordPerfect,
- “Secrets” for a long time,
- System 7.5’s PowerBook
- without carefully proofreading
- in your Chooser is backward-
- explain why, in Word 5’s
- Time control panel list a town
- the trick by waking up a
- Instead, get your slides or
- to clean out you Preferences
- Servers (etc.), open your
- You can make an alias of it
- hard drive. Only one (marked
- launching a program, typing
- activate another window
- drawer with one Find command?
- menu. Your icons will be
- (call by voice first)
- doesn’t type numbers,
- crawling with help documents,
- That’s what’s great about
- probably dying. Call an
- 1st resort: Command-Option-Esc
- Mac says it’s OK. “OK?” asks
- by now, but it’s a biggie:
- Gaussian Blur filter, set to
- gorgeous photo of your
- promised a secret a day “for a
- as STATIONERY! From now on,